Interpreting Insights: Compensation Data

Relode Insights provides compensation data for both regional and national markets.


At the top of each Insights report is a summary section. For compensation the results will either display: 

  • limiting salary: meaning the current salary averages for this market are higher than what you are currently offering.  
    • If your salary is under the 50th percentile it will be categorized as limiting 
  • competitive salary: meaning the employer is offering a fairly competitive salary
    • If your salary is between the 50th percentile and 75th percentile for the market it will be categorized as competitive.
  • strong salary: meaning the salary offered by the employer is considered strong and very competitive for the market
    • If your salary is greater than the 75th percentile for the market it will be categorized as strong 
  • data not available: meaning there is not enough market details to provide salary information for that particular role or location at this time.


This percentile graph helps inform you what percentage of the market you have access to based on your current salary expectations in any given location. For example, if you are planning on a salary of $50,000 annually for the example pictured below, this would put your job in the 25th percentile, meaning with this salary you can expect to have access to 25% of the available candidates both regional and national markets. 

We recommend, at a minimum, being in the 50th percentile of compensation. Depending on the competitive nature of the market you should use this data to determine what compensation range to start with to have the highest chance of finding great candidates.