Insights Use Case: Team Alignment

Having everyone on your hiring team on the same page is crucial to making a successful hire. It is important to have everyone on the team on the same page about the following:

  • How many candidates should I expect to get?
  • How quickly should I follow up with a candidate to screen them? 
  • How quickly should we aim to get an offer out to a candidate?

The current market conditions for your role impact what expectations everyone should have for responsiveness, and compensation. Leveraging Relode Insights can help your team understand the current market conditions to get everyone rowing the boat in the same direction.

How to leverage insights to align with your hiring managers

How to leverage insights to align with your leadership team

Steps to Align your Hiring Team

Follow these steps to make sure everyone on your hiring team is on the same page for any new open role: 

  1. Decide on the details of the role: choose location & compensation
  2. Share with your team how competitive you are for the role
    1. Depending on the market, your location and compensation you have chosen you'll have one of 3 scenarios
      1. You are highly competitive: Your salary is on the higher end,  and/or the market you are recruiting in has a high amount of available talent (Supply) compared to open jobs (Demand) 
      2. You are average: Your salary is middle of the range,  and/or the market you are recruiting in has a more available talent (Supply) compared to open jobs (Demand) 
      3. You are not competitive: Your salary is on the lower end of the range, and/or the market you are recruiting in has a less available talent (Supply) compared to open jobs (Demand) 
  3. Agree with your team on how you'll work together to increase your chances of making a successful hire 
    1. Here are some recommendations based on which scenario is your reality for your role
      1. You are highly competitive: 
        • Responsiveness: Always strive to be responsive to candidates, aim for replying within 1-2 business days 
        • Interview process: You have the luxury of having a more involved interview process, potentially a panel interview, make sure to clearly explain the process to any candidate
        • Selling points: Lead with your salary, make sure to also sell on benefits, culture and other positives of working for your organization 
        • Candidate experience: Have higher expectations of candidate experience, may be able to gain an overqualified candidate 
        • Candidate volume: Depending on how specialized the role is you can expect a higher volume of candidates to sort through 
    2. You are average:  
      • Responsiveness:  Reply to any potential candidates within one day max to schedule next steps 
      • Interview process:  Clearly communicate your interview process to candidates 
      • Selling points: Lead with your strongest perks & benefits, and highlight the value of those combined with your salary
      • Candidate experience:  Expect candidates that meet 80% of your requirements, you may need to up-skill in a couple areas 
      • Candidate volume:  You should expect a moderate volume of candidates - expect to do some outbound recruiting and sourcing 
    3. You are not competitive: 
      • Responsiveness: Reply to any potential candidates within hours if not minutes to schedule next steps 
      • Interview process: Have a streamlined interview process and clearly communicate it to the candidate (1-3 interviews). Provide them regular updates to keep them engaged
      • Selling points: Focus on your benefits, culture, work-life balance, learning and growth opportunities 
      • Candidate experience: Look for candidates you can up-skill into the role or have experience that is transferable 
      • Candidate volume: Expect a lower volume of candidates - expect to do a lot of outbound recruiting and sourcing